History is more tangible when you hold it in your hands; more immediate as you contemplate the images ancient leaders engraved onto their coins. The world's first social media preceded the Internet and has time-traveled from ancient to modern times.
Let Ancient Selfies take you back to a world without Internet, telephones, electricity and, yes, even soap and coffee, when men and women like Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, and Cleopatra forged empires and invented the modern world. Read Ancient Selfies here for free in four chapter booklets in flipbook or PDF format. Use the link at the bottom to read the full book or sample it by chapter.
Chapter 1: The Ancients takes you from the founding of Rome in 753 BC to Philip's preparations to invade Asia in 336 BC. Think Croesus and the invention of coins, Herodotus and the invention of history, and the Golden Age of Greece.
Chapter 2: Greek Empire starts with Alexander's conquest of the known world and extends up to 200 BC. It's a time of Greek conquest and expansion. Ptolemy creates a 300-year empire in Egypt. Seleucus, Agathocles, Antigonus, Hannibal, the Queen of Sheeba, and the first Cleopatra leave their indelible marks on the period's coins.
Chapter 3: Republican Rome covers Rome and its world from 200 BC until its unraveling around 50BC. Vestal virgins, Greek gods, a Sabine war, and the first vote by ballot all compete for space on the era's coins with Sulla, Crassus, Brutus, and the great Greek Mithridates adding their messages to the coins they issue.
Chapter 4: Caesar's Legacy begins with the plot to murder Julius Caesar and takes us through the wars to establish control over a vast Roman empire. Octavian/Augustus, Marc Antony, Brutus, Fulvia, Octavia, Cassius, Cato, Pompey, Crassus, and Cleopatra dominate the world scene. And then Cleopatra and Marc Antony perish and Octavian knocks the nose off of Alexander the Great.
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