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A knowledgeable friend attributes the following quote to George Orwell and his book 1984 about a (then) future dystopian society of thought police and oppression. The Party told you to reject all evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. The Party referred to is not the Republican Party. Although, you are forgiven if you think so after the recent impeachment trial in the U.S. Senate,
Nero was wild about chariot races and games. So much so, that he even drove a ten horse chariot in the Olympic Games much to the dismay of his advisors. His charioteer haircut bothered his advisors and members of the Senate. It was not fitting for the ruling emperor, or at least they said when he was not listening. Of course, Nero did not care what his advisors or the Senate thought. Nero ruled without the restraint of an independent Senate, He was absolute emperor and wielded power confidently and sometimes ruthlessly. While most historians question whether Nero ordered the burning of Rome in 64 AD, others believe the massive fire that consumed Rome and killed many was a deliberate act of an emperor who wanted to make Rome great again by clearing the way for his own building projects. He was said to have sung The Sack of Illium in stage costume and played his lyre as he watched Rome burn. After Rome's destruction, Nero made Christians the scapegoat and ordered the persecution of its members as punishment. Tradition holds that Christ's disciple Peter was among those caught up in Nero's persecution. In Peter's case, the belief is that he was crucified hanging upside down on a cross. We cannot know the full picture of Nero's life with any certainty. The records are too old and incomplete to know everything about him. But the coin he authorized does give us one concrete glimpse of man. And, it raises a question. We know why Nero wore his hair combed up and out, but why does Trump? The first photo and all text are copyright Clinton Richardson. If you like these posts, please tell your friends about the Venture Moola blog at
The venture moola blog comes to you from Atlanta, Georgia. Find it at Copyright Clinton Richardson.
Joseph Logan
2/6/2020 02:04:47 pm
I was recently in Rome to study the ruins and the ancient history. I almost finished with SPQR by Mary Beard, the similarities of Rome's fall and our current situation are disquieting. On one of the guided tours we discussed Nero and I exclaimed he has been reincarnated and is now our President.
Clint Richardson
2/6/2020 06:27:10 pm
The physical resemblance, at least as portrayed by the coin is uncanny, is it not? Comments are closed.
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